Cyprus Economic Society

To inform public debate and to facilitate discussion of public policy issues and EU affairs

Next Forthcoming Event

Panel Discussion – A Physical Event
Thursday 5 December 2024
Venue: Stelios Philanthropic Foundation Head Quarters, 5 Markou Drakou Street, Nicosia
Subject: Why Nations Fail: A discourse on the 2024 Nobel in Economics and its significance
Marios Zachariades, Professor of Economics, the University of Cyprus
Do institutions affect economic growth? The contribution of Acemoglu, Johnson and Robinson
Marios Clerides, Economist, formerly CEO of the Cyprus Cooperative Bank; Group Senior general Manager, Hellenic Bank; Former Executive Chairman, CSEC.
Nobel Economics 2024- where does it fit economics in general and personal lessons from it
Ioannis Tirkides, Economics Research Manager at Bank of Cyprus and President, the Cyprus Economic Society.
More than institutions, it is culture and politics
Andreas Charalambous – Economist, former Director at the Ministry of Finance, Cyprus
Abstract: In this discussion we are honouring this year’s Nobel Prize in Economics awarded to three economists – Daron Acemoglu, Simon Johnson and James Robinson – for their groundbreaking work on the fundamental causes of economic differences between nations. An important and seemingly straightforward question is whether institutions drive economic growth. Τhis relation may be exceedingly hard to disentangle since economic growth might affect institutions at the same time that the latter might affect economic growth. Acemoglu, Johnson and Robinson put forward an influential hypothesis about how institutions are formed and the differential effects of colonialism across countries. We discuss their work, and the consequences regarding what hinders economic growth in particular countries and what can be done to promote it in a sustainable manner. We discuss where it fits in economics in general, and the broader context of culture and politics.

Discussion Forum – A Physical Event
Thursday 19 December 2024
Venue: Stelios Philanthropic Foundation Head Quarters, 5 Markou Drakou Street, Nicosia
Subject: Europe’s Green Deal, Business Compliance and Sustainable Finance
Speaker: Nicole Phinopoulou, Consultant and Legal Advisor
Moderator: Ioannis Tirkides, Economics Research Manager at Bank of Cyprus and President, the Cyprus Economic Society
Abstract: The future of corporate sustainability reporting is evolving. By the end of 2022, the EU Council approved the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) and in 2024, the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD). The European Financial Reporting Advisory Group has provided the first draft of European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS) to the European Commission, aimed at accelerating a sustainable economy. Companies must publish detailed sustainability information, increasing accountability and providing financial institutions with comparable data to support sustainable investments. The presentation will provide a guide of the EU ESG Banking Sustainable Finance regulatory landscape as part of the EU Green Deal.

Most Recent Past Event

Discussion Forum – A Physical Event
Thursday 21 November 2024
Venue: KPMG Offices, 14 Esperidon Street, 1087 Nicosia (1st Floor)
Subject: The US Elections 2024 and what they mean for Democracy
Speaker: Antonis Ellinas – Professor of Comparative Politics, University of Cyprus
Discussant: Ioannis Tirkides – Economic Research Manager, Bank of Cyprus, and President of the Cyprus Economic Society
Moderator: Marios Clerides – Economist, formerly CEO of the Cyprus Cooperative Bank; Group Senior general Manager, Hellenic Bank; Former Executive Chairman, CSEC
Abstract: The American election has been exceptional in a number of ways. Mr Trump won the election by a landslide. He won the electoral college, the popular vote and the Republicans have the majority in Congress, the Senate and also in the House. Is this a vote against the incumbents like in many European elections? Is this a vote for massive mandate for change in American society and American democracy? If so in which direction and what the historical significance might be? We ask these questions in this discussion forum, and focus on the societal and institutional changes, their historical significance, and the leadership role America plays in the world.

Most Recent Publications


‘Τo the Finland Station’1 – Trump as a tool of history

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“Στον σταθμό τραίνου Φινλανδία1” – Ο Τράμπ ως εργαλείο της ιστορίας

Μπράνκο Μιλάνοβιτς2   Οι μάρτυρες σημαδιακών ιστορικών γεγονότων δεν έχουν σχεδόν ποτέ την επίγνωση ότι παρατηρούν ή συμμετέχουν σε ένα γεγονός που αλλάζει την ιστορία. Συχνά, ούτε και οι ίδιοι οι πρωταγωνιστές αυτών των ιστορικών γεγονότων δεν έχουν αυτή την επίγνωση. Στις 20 Ιανουαρίου 2025 όμως, στην τελετή ορκωμοσίας του...

The Greek economy: 2024 review and 2025 outlook

Miranda Xafa*   In an international environment of great turmoil and rapid change over the past year, Greece has stood out as a pole of political and economic stability in the wider region. Europe’s malaise is deepening as many countries face large budget deficits and low growth rates. Governments have...