Cyprus Economic Society

To inform public debate and to facilitate discussion of public policy issues and EU affairs

Next Forthcoming Event

Panel Discussion – A Physical Event
Organised under the Cyprus Forum 2024 – by the Cyprus Economic Society
Thursday 3 October 2024
Venue: Nicosia Old Town Hall (Eleftheria’s Square), Aphrodite room
Subject: Inflation – causes, consequences and policy challenges
Ioannis Tirkides, Economics Research Manager at Bank of Cyprus and President, the Cyprus Economic Society – Inflation dynamics: From external shocks to systemic causes.
Maria Heracleous, Economist, former Executive Director of the Central Bank of Cyprus –
Inflation and central banking in uncertain times.
Marios Clerides, Economist, formerly CEO of the Cyprus Cooperative Bank; Group Senior general Manager, Hellenic Bank; Former Executive Chairman, CSEC – Hidden inflation, shrinkflation, and cost of living implications.
Kyriacos Iordanou, General Manager at Institute of Certified Public Accountants of Cyprus –
Implications for households and companies.
Andreas Charalambous – Economist, former Director at the Ministry of Finance, Cyprus
Abstract: The debate about inflation, following the covid pandemic, has been intense and is still raging. Is inflation back on a long term basis or is it a transitory phenomenon? The panel will focus on the causes of inflation with the reference to the current experience, what it means for the cost of living, the problems it causes for the economy and for households and companies, and how central banks can control inflation under uncertainty.

Most Recent Past Event

Discussion forum – A Physical Event
Organised by the Cyprus Economic Society
Friday 21 June 2024
Venue: Stelios Philanthropic Foundation Head Quarters, 5 Markou Drakou Street, Nicosia
Subject: The Middle East Crisis, broader implications, and risk of escalation
Speaker: Kristin Fabbe, Professor in Business and Comparative Politics at the Florence School of Transnational Governance, European University Institute
Chair and introduction: Ioannis Tirkides – Economic Research Manager, Bank of Cyprus, and President of the Cyprus Economic Society
Abstract: As a result of Hamas’ October 7 attack on Israel, dynamics in the Middle East are in a state of perilous uncertainty. Israel invaded Gaza, and that war continues to rage, while, at the same time, Israel is fighting Hezbollah on its northern border. Relations between Jerusalem and Washington are also strained, and the International Court of Justice has ruled that a plausible case can be made that Israel is committing genocide in Gaza. Meanwhile, the United States engaged in intense shuttle diplomacy with the region’s two major economies: Saudi Arabi and Turkey. The United States, which is already fighting the Houthis, also risks direct confrontation with Iran, which neither country wants, especially on the eve of highly consequential US elections. Given these developments, there is potentially great danger of further escalation across the region. What might be the lasting consequences of these conflicts? What might the impact in the near region, including Cyprus? What do these developments mean for the position and influence of the United States in the region? Where does all this leave the European Union? We discuss these issues with Professor Kristin Fabbe, who has spent two decades researching political and economic dynamics in the Middle East and its surrounding neighborhood.

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